Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?

**Why Do Facebook Marketplace Buyers Ask “Is It Available?” and Then Ghost You?**

Have you ever posted an item on Facebook Marketplace, only to be bombarded with messages asking, “Is this still available?”

Excited, you reply with a cheerful “Yes, it is!”—only to hear nothing back. This frustrating experience is all too common among sellers. What’s going on in the minds of these buyers? Are they genuinely interested, or is something else at play?

From casual inquiries to impulsive clicks, several factors contribute to this puzzling behavior.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind these ghost messages and offer tips to minimize wasted time while selling on Facebook Marketplace.

Table of Contents

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?

Buyers on Facebook Marketplace often ask if an item is available and then fail to respond for several reasons.

Many inquiries are made impulsively; users scroll through listings, send quick messages, and later lose interest or forget they reached out.

Facebook marketplace buyer fails to show up at agreed upon place and time,  wastes my time and gas and sends a ridiculous lowball offer once I have  already been waiting for 30

Others may be comparison shopping, asking about availability from multiple sellers but choosing not to follow up if they find a better deal.

Technical issues, like notifications not being seen, can also play a role. In some cases, buyers might misunderstand the process or hesitate when they realize they’re not ready to commit.

There’s also the possibility of scammers testing for active accounts, though this is less common.

While this behavior can be frustrating, sellers can manage it by politely following up once and setting clear expectations in their listings, such as marking availability and offering specific timeframes for responses to keep interactions efficient.

9 Reasons why do buyer ask on Facebook marketplace if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here you’ll see 9 reasons now.

1. Impulse Clicking

One common reason buyers ask if an item is available and then never respond is impulse clicking. While browsing, users may see a product they like and quickly inquire about its availability, but they often do so without fully considering whether they are genuinely interested in buying.

The excitement of seeing something appealing can trigger a spontaneous message, but once they receive the confirmation, they may lose interest or realize it isn’t a priority at the moment.

Impulsive buyers often do this as part of their casual browsing habits, which are more about window shopping than actual intent to purchase. Once they’ve asked the question, the thrill of the search is over, and they may not feel motivated to continue the conversation or follow through on the purchase.

As a seller, being mindful of this behavior is essential. It’s helpful to respond with concise, clear information and, if possible, engage the buyer immediately to gauge true interest.

2. Comparison Shopping

Many buyers on Facebook Marketplace inquire about the availability of an item just to compare prices or features with other similar listings. Instead of buying immediately, they are testing the waters, checking whether other sellers offer a better deal, more desirable features, or lower prices.

This comparison shopping process can make the buyer hesitate or even abandon the transaction altogether after receiving confirmation.

When buyers ask if something is available, they might be using that as a first step to gather information without a serious commitment. Once they’ve done their comparison, they might not respond if they’ve found a better deal elsewhere. Sellers can try offering incentives or adding extra value to make their item stand out in these situations.

3. Buyer’s Uncertainty

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here’s the third reason.

Sometimes, buyers inquire about the availability of an item but are unsure whether they actually want to purchase it. This uncertainty could stem from doubts about the product’s condition, price, or whether it fits their needs.

They might be casually browsing and not fully committed to making a decision, which leads to them asking about availability as a way to test their interest.

Once they hear back from the seller, they might decide that they don’t want the item after all or may choose to think about it further. As a seller, acknowledging these potential doubts by providing additional details about the item and offering reassurance can sometimes help to push hesitant buyers toward making a commitment.

4. Lost Interest After Initial Inquiry

In many cases, a buyer might ask if an item is available, but by the time the seller responds, the buyer has simply lost interest. They could have been distracted by other listings, changed their mind, or decided they no longer need the item.

This shift in interest is a natural part of online buying, where people can easily be pulled away from one item to another, especially if there is a high volume of listings that compete for their attention.

To avoid this, it’s important to reply quickly to inquiries, as timely responses can help keep the buyer engaged. However, it’s important to remember that not all inquiries will result in sales, and some buyers will naturally lose interest as their priorities change.

5. Scammers Testing Active Sellers

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here’s the fifth reason.

Unfortunately, scammers sometimes ask if an item is available as a way to determine whether a seller’s account is active.

By sending this initial inquiry, they test if the seller will respond, which could then lead them to attempt a scam or phishing attack later on. Scammers may have no real intention of purchasing anything and might only be trying to gather information or check the validity of listings.

If a buyer seems suspicious or doesn’t respond after confirming the item’s availability, it’s always wise to remain cautious. Avoid sharing personal details or engaging too deeply with buyers who seem overly evasive or don’t follow through with genuine inquiries.

6. Overwhelmed by Options

Buyers on Facebook Marketplace are often overwhelmed by the number of options available, leading to confusion or decision paralysis. After inquiring about an item’s availability, they may realize that they are unsure whether they really want the product or if they have found something better.

As a result, they might stop responding because they’re still considering their other options or are struggling to make a decision.

Sellers can minimize the risk of this by providing detailed product descriptions, offering comparisons with similar items, and engaging with the buyer promptly. Giving buyers clear guidance can help them make quicker decisions and reduce the chances of them getting lost in the sea of alternatives.

7. Price Negotiations or Haggling

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here’s the 7th scam

Some buyers may ask about availability with the intention of negotiating a lower price or haggling. They may test the waters by asking if the item is still available, hoping to initiate a conversation that will lead to a discount.

Once they get the “yes” response, they may disappear if they believe they won’t be able to negotiate a price that meets their expectations.

In these cases, it’s important to be clear about your pricing and whether you’re open to offers. Setting firm pricing from the start and mentioning it in your listing can sometimes reduce time wasted on buyers who only want to haggle.

8. Lack of Commitment

Some buyers may ask if an item is available without actually intending to follow through with a purchase.

Is This Item Still Available' Facebook Marketplace Scam

They may not be ready to commit to the transaction but are curious about the availability of an item as a part of their research. In many cases, these individuals have no serious intent to buy but are gathering data to see if the item is still on the market or available for future consideration.

As a seller, you can gauge the seriousness of a buyer by asking if they are ready to move forward or set specific expectations for how quickly the item will be sold.

9. Confusion with Platform or Listing

At times, buyers may simply be confused about the platform or how the listings work. They might ask about availability without realizing that the item is listed in a way that is clearly marked or that it’s already been sold.

They could also be new to the Facebook Marketplace platform and are unsure about the process, leading them to ask unnecessary questions, including whether the item is available, even if it’s already obvious.

Clear, concise listings and effective communication can help eliminate confusion. Sellers should consider marking items as “sold” once they’re no longer available to avoid further inquiries about availability and reduce buyer frustration.

9 Facebook Marketplac Buyers scam

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here you’ll see 9 facebook marketplace scam

1. Fake Payment Scam

In the fake payment scam, a buyer contacts a seller and expresses interest in an item. After agreeing to a price, the buyer claims they’ve sent payment through a secure method, often a service like PayPal, and asks the seller to ship the item before confirming the payment.

The scammer might send a fake payment confirmation or even claim their account has been compromised. Once the seller ships the item, they realize the payment was never made, leaving them out of the product and the money.

To avoid this scam, always confirm that the payment has cleared in your account before shipping anything. Stick to trusted payment methods, and be cautious of buyers who try to rush the process.

2. Overpayment Scam

In an overpayment scam, a buyer sends a payment for more than the agreed price and asks the seller to refund the difference. They may claim it’s a mistake, or that they accidentally overpaid. Once the seller refunds the difference, the buyer reports the payment as fraudulent or disputed with their payment provider, leaving the seller with no money and the product.

To avoid this, never refund money until the payment has cleared, and always be cautious of any buyer requesting an overpayment. Stick to dealing with known payment systems that offer buyer and seller protection.

3. Fake Buyer Profiles

Scammers sometimes create fake buyer profiles to deceive sellers into thinking they are legitimate. These profiles may include fake names, images, and social media connections that seem trustworthy. The scammer then uses these profiles to contact sellers and ask about availability. After a few exchanges, they might claim they are ready to buy but request personal details or ask for payments upfront.

To protect yourself, always verify buyer profiles before agreeing to sell an item. If the profile is new or lacks genuine activity, approach the conversation with caution. Avoid sharing personal information until you feel confident the buyer is legitimate.

4. Shipping Scam

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here’s the forth scam.

In a shipping scam, a buyer claims they will purchase an item, but instead of paying, they ask the seller to ship the item to a third-party address, often an overseas address.

The buyer may offer to pay shipping costs upfront but never actually send the payment. Once the item is shipped, the seller is left without the product or payment.

To avoid this scam, always insist on payment before shipping any item. Do not send items to third-party addresses unless you trust the buyer completely. Stick to domestic shipping, or if international shipping is required, confirm payment first.

5. Phishing Scam

A phishing scam happens when a buyer reaches out and seems to be interested in purchasing an item, but the ultimate goal is to steal the seller’s personal information.

The scammer might ask for your email, phone number, or even financial details, using a legitimate-looking message or a fake payment platform. Once they have this information, they can commit identity theft or fraud.

To avoid phishing scams, never share your personal or financial information unless you’re sure the buyer is trustworthy. Use Facebook Marketplace’s messaging system to communicate and refrain from clicking on links sent by unknown buyers.

6. Fake Shipping Company Scam

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here’s the 6th scam

In this scam, a buyer asks the seller to ship an item via a certain shipping company, usually an unfamiliar or seemingly trustworthy one.

After the item is shipped, the buyer claims they never received it and submits a fake tracking number, often from a service that doesn’t exist.

They may even claim that the shipping company is holding the item until the seller pays additional fees. The seller is then stuck with no product and no money.

To avoid this scam, always use trusted, established shipping companies. Provide tracking numbers that are verifiable by official services, and be cautious if the buyer insists on a specific shipping service.

7. Fake Return Scam

A buyer might purchase an item and then claim they’ve received it damaged or not as described. They ask for a return or refund, but once the item is returned, it’s often not the same one or is in a different condition.

The scammer may try to convince the seller that the item is faulty or broken, even though it was in perfect condition when shipped.

To avoid this, document the condition of your item with clear photos and descriptions. Keep records of all correspondence with the buyer.

If a return is requested, make sure it’s within a clear policy and consider offering local pick-up options to avoid this type of scam.

8. Identity Fraud Scam

In the identity fraud scam, a buyer may attempt to gather personal information through a seemingly innocent conversation.

They might ask detailed questions or even try to establish a fake relationship with the seller to gain trust. Their aim is often to use the information for identity theft or to open accounts in the seller’s name.

Facebook marketplace issues, I know a lot of people are going through the  same thing with Facebook these past few days : r/facebook

To avoid identity fraud, always be cautious about sharing personal information with anyone you haven’t met in person. If a buyer seems overly inquisitive or pushes for private details, end the conversation immediately and report the profile if necessary.

9. Fake Escrow Scam

Why do buyers on Facebook marketplace ask if its available and then never respond when I tell them it is?- Here’s the 9th scam

In the fake escrow scam, a buyer convinces a seller to use an “escrow service” to hold the payment until the item is shipped.

The buyer may claim they’re from another country or that their payment is “too large” to process normally. After the item is shipped, the scammer might claim that the escrow service is holding the payment until further steps are taken or ask for additional fees. The seller ends up with no money or product.

To avoid this scam, never agree to use unknown or third-party escrow services. Stick to payment methods that you’re familiar with and that offer buyer protection, such as PayPal or other reputable services.

Why do people ask if something is available on marketplace

When people ask if something is available on Marketplace, they are typically seeking reassurance before committing to a purchase.

Many buyers want to confirm that the item is still up for sale before investing time or effort into negotiating or arranging pickup. Marketplace listings often stay active even after an item has been sold, so the “Is this still available?” question helps buyers avoid wasting time on listings that may no longer be active.

Additionally, some buyers may simply be browsing casually and aren’t fully committed to purchasing yet. Asking about availability allows them to gauge whether the item is a potential option without getting too invested. Buyers may also inquire to compare availability with other listings they’re considering. This question serves as a low-effort way to check the status of an item and helps ensure that they are making informed decisions before further engagement.

How to remove is this still available on Facebook

To remove the “Is this still available?” message on Facebook Marketplace, there is no direct way to disable it. However, you can manage your listings more effectively to reduce these inquiries.

First, make sure to mark your items as “sold” once they’re no longer available. This will stop people from asking about items that are no longer for sale.

Another option is to update your listing with a note in the description that says something like, “Please message directly to confirm availability” or “Items are only available if the listing is active.” This can deter casual inquiries and encourage more serious buyers to engage.

You can also use Facebook’s automated response options to handle messages more efficiently.

While you cannot fully eliminate the “Is this still available?” question, these strategies can reduce the frequency of unnecessary inquiries and help you manage your listings better.

Why do people ask is this still available

People ask “Is this still available?” on Facebook Marketplace for several reasons. First, listings often remain visible even after an item has been sold, leading to confusion.

Buyers want to confirm the product is still on the market before engaging further. It’s also common for items to be cross-posted on multiple platforms, so a potential buyer might need to verify availability.

Another reason is that some buyers are casually browsing and may not be fully committed to a purchase. They might be gauging interest or exploring options, without a clear intention to buy immediately. Asking if the item is still available gives them an easy way to get more information without making a firm decision.

Additionally, some buyers simply want to make sure they’re not wasting time. By confirming availability first, they avoid unnecessary communication or wasting effort on something that may have already been taken off the market.

Facebook Marketplace buyer not responding

When a buyer on Facebook Marketplace doesn’t respond after showing interest, it can be frustrating for sellers.

There are several reasons why this may happen. Often, buyers ask about an item to gauge availability but may lose interest or find another option that suits their needs better.

Some buyers may ask if the item is available but then never follow through because they’re simply browsing or not fully committed to making a purchase.

Another reason could be that the buyer has changed their mind about the item, or they might be waiting for a better deal elsewhere. Sometimes, the buyer’s inbox becomes flooded with messages, and they may forget to follow up with the seller.

Additionally, some buyers may experience a change in priorities or financial constraints, which cause them to back out of the transaction. In these situations, it’s essential for sellers to remain patient and follow up professionally.

Why does Facebook ask if I sold something

Facebook asks if you’ve sold something on Marketplace as part of its process to keep listings up to date and improve the user experience.

When you mark an item as sold, it ensures that other buyers aren’t wasting time inquiring about an unavailable product.

It also helps maintain the integrity of the Marketplace by preventing expired listings from staying visible. Facebook prompts sellers to update the status of their items so that only available products remain listed, making it easier for potential buyers to find what they are looking for.

Additionally, marking an item as sold helps Facebook track Marketplace activity and optimize its platform. This information can help Facebook improve its recommendation algorithms and provide a better experience for both buyers and sellers.

It also helps sellers avoid unnecessary inquiries and lets them focus on completing their transactions without constant follow-up questions about availability.

Facebook Marketplace is this still available

The question “Is this still available?” is one of the most common inquiries on Facebook Marketplace. Buyers often ask this to confirm whether an item is still up for sale before engaging further.

Since Marketplace listings can remain visible even after an item has been sold, potential buyers want to ensure the product is still available before they invest time in the transaction.

Another reason for this question is that many users may casually browse listings without a firm commitment to buy. They may not want to get too involved unless they are sure the item is still for sale.

Asking if something is still available allows them to quickly check the status of a listing without committing to a purchase.

For sellers, these inquiries can be a bit repetitive, especially if they have already marked the item as sold. However, it’s a useful tool for buyers to confirm availability before proceeding.

Why are people so rude on Marketplace

People can be rude on Facebook Marketplace for various reasons, including the anonymity that online platforms provide.

When communicating via text, some buyers and sellers may feel detached from the consequences of their words, leading to more blunt or even disrespectful behavior. The lack of face-to-face interaction can remove the social cues that typically help moderate tone and behavior.

Additionally, the pressure of negotiating prices or trying to get a good deal can lead to frustration, especially if a buyer or seller feels their expectations aren’t being met.

Some individuals may be impatient or may feel entitled to a deal, leading to rude comments or dismissive behavior when things don’t go as planned.

Finally, Marketplace has a wide range of users, and some may simply lack social etiquette or are having a bad day. Regardless of the reason, it’s essential to remain professional, even when faced with rudeness, to maintain a positive selling or buying experience.

Facebook Marketplace how long to wait for response from buyer

When waiting for a response from a buyer on Facebook Marketplace, it’s essential to be patient, as response times can vary.

Typically, you should wait at least 24-48 hours after your initial message. Many buyers may browse listings, then take time to decide or compare other options before replying.

If the buyer hasn’t responded within a couple of days, it’s perfectly fine to send a polite follow-up message to check their interest.

Keep in mind that some buyers might be busy or not actively monitoring their messages, while others might lose interest or find a different product. If you don’t hear back after your follow-up, it might be best to move on and focus on other potential buyers.

It’s also important to remember that, just like you, buyers are often juggling multiple conversations. A quick response from you can increase your chances of closing the deal, but waiting patiently is key to a positive experience.

Related faq’s

How do you know if a buyer is scamming you on Facebook marketplace?

To spot a scammer on Facebook Marketplace, look for signs like pressure to act quickly or offers that seem too good to be true.

Scammers often push for unusual payment methods, such as wire transfers or gift cards, rather than secure platforms like PayPal.

Be cautious if the buyer insists on shipping an item before receiving payment or asks you to send it to a third-party address. Additionally, vague or incomplete communication, lack of a real profile, or a history of newly created accounts can be red flags. Trust your instincts and avoid sharing personal information.

How long should I wait for someone to respond on Facebook marketplace?

When waiting for a response on Facebook Marketplace, it’s reasonable to give the buyer 24-48 hours to reply. Some buyers may take time to make decisions or may be juggling multiple listings.

If you don’t hear back within this period, you can send a polite follow-up message to check in.

If there’s still no response after your follow-up, it’s best to move on and focus on other potential buyers. Remember that response times can vary, and patience is important to maintain a positive selling experience while keeping your listings active.

What happens if a Facebook marketplace seller doesn’t respond?

If a Facebook Marketplace seller doesn’t respond, buyers may lose interest and look for alternative listings. Inactive communication can lead to frustration for potential buyers, and they may assume the item is no longer available or that the seller isn’t serious.

As a result, it can reduce the likelihood of a sale. Buyers may also report unresponsive sellers, which could impact the seller’s reputation on Marketplace.

For sellers, timely responses help maintain credibility, increase chances of making a sale, and create a more positive experience for both parties.

What happened to Facebook Marketplace in 2024?

In 2024, Facebook Marketplace introduced several significant changes:

Increased Selling Fees

Effective April 15, 2024, the selling fee for items sold with shipping on Marketplace increased from 5% (with a minimum of $0.40) to 10% (with a minimum of $0.80) per listing. citeturn0search4

Integration with eBay

Meta Platforms announced a collaboration with eBay, allowing Facebook Marketplace users in Germany, France, and the U.S. to browse eBay listings directly on the platform. This integration aims to enhance user experience and address European Union antitrust charges. citeturn0news11

User Experience Enhancements

Facebook Marketplace continued to refine its interface and features to improve user experience, including better search functionalities and personalized recommendations.

These developments reflect Facebook Marketplace’s efforts to expand its offerings and address regulatory challenges in 2024.

navlistFacebook Marketplace’s 2024 Developmentsturn0news10,turn0news11,turn0news12

Does anyone know why so many people ask if an item is available, and proceed to not reply?

Many people ask if an item is available on Facebook Marketplace but don’t respond for several reasons. Some are just casually browsing and not fully committed to purchasing.

Others might be comparing options or waiting for a better deal. It’s also common for buyers to inquire out of curiosity or to confirm availability, but then they lose interest or find another item that suits their needs. Additionally, some buyers may get busy, forget, or decide to delay a purchase.

Ultimately, it’s a common occurrence in online marketplaces due to the informal nature of buying and selling.

Why do people ask If an items available if they’re not gonna respond past that?

People often ask if an item is available on Facebook Marketplace but don’t respond further for a variety of reasons.

Sometimes, they are just casually browsing and not seriously committed to making a purchase.

They may be gathering information or comparing prices, and asking about availability is an easy first step before deciding whether they want to proceed.

Other times, buyers might inquire simply out of curiosity or to check if the item is still listed, but lose interest once they confirm it’s available.

Some buyers may ask if it’s available, then take time to consider their purchase or explore other listings before making a decision.

Additionally, some buyers might get distracted or forget to respond after their initial inquiry. They might also encounter unexpected circumstances, such as a change in budget or priorities, leading them to abandon the conversation altogether without further engagement.

What’s the deal with buyers asking if an item is available and when I respond (within minutes) saying yes not replying?

When buyers ask if an item is available and don’t reply after you respond quickly, it can be frustrating. Often, this happens because the buyer is casually browsing and isn’t fully committed to making a purchase.

They might ask to confirm availability but lose interest or find another option once they get a response. Some buyers may also be comparing multiple listings and decide to go with a different one.

Additionally, distractions or forgetfulness can lead to them not following up. While it can be disappointing, it’s a common behavior on online marketplaces and not always personal.

Why do so many people ask if my listing is available and i say yes then they never reply?

When people ask if your listing is available and then don’t reply after you say “yes,” it can be frustrating, but it’s a common occurrence. Many buyers ask about availability as a first step but may not be fully committed to purchasing the item.

They could be casually browsing or just gathering information without a serious intent to buy.

Once they confirm availability, they might lose interest or find a better deal elsewhere. Some buyers also compare multiple listings before deciding, and others might be hesitant about the price or condition of the item.

Additionally, some buyers may get distracted, forget, or change their mind after initiating contact.

Online marketplace interactions can sometimes be informal, and people may not always follow through with their inquiries. While this can be disappointing, it’s a typical behavior in online selling and can happen for a variety of reasons unrelated to your product or listing.

Why do people ask about and item and never respond?

When people ask about an item and never respond, it can be frustrating for sellers. There are a few reasons this might happen.

Some buyers might be casually browsing listings without serious intent to buy. Asking about availability is often just a way for them to gauge interest before deciding whether to proceed with a purchase. After they receive a response, they may lose interest or move on to another item.

Others might ask as part of comparison shopping, trying to find the best deal or condition, and may not follow through if they find something more appealing.

Additionally, some buyers might ask out of curiosity but have no real intention to follow through with the transaction.

Time constraints, change in priorities, or forgetting about the inquiry can also contribute to the lack of response. In online marketplaces, it’s common for buyers to initiate conversations without always following through.


In conclusion, when buyers on Facebook Marketplace ask if an item is available and then never respond, it’s usually due to a lack of serious intent or commitment to the purchase.

Many buyers are casually browsing or comparing listings, and their inquiry is often just a way to check availability before deciding.

They may lose interest, find a better deal, or get distracted by other priorities. While it can be frustrating, this behavior is common in online marketplaces, where interactions can be informal and buyers might not always follow through with their initial inquiries.

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